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Barcelona Jewish Tours

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Revisiting Jewish heritage in Barcelona
and the memory of Sepharad

During the Middle Ages Jewish life flourished in Sepharad as perhaps nowhere else. Jews were integrated, in the Call of Barcelona, the juderias of Cordoba and Toledo; in the cabalistic circles of Gerona or as advisors and physicians to kings.

With the Edict of expulsion of 1492, Jews were faced with a stark choice: leave or convert to Catholicism, and only some of these conversos continued to practice their tradition in hiding. Although most of the Jewish legacy was lost, one can revisit the rich culture and history while walking the streets where Jews once lived.

Once again, Jewish life blooms in Barcelona and other cities, with celebrations of B'nei mitzvah, Shabbat and the High Holidays, Film Festival, Hebrew study and new works of art.

Since 1997 Urban Cultours organizes Jewish tours in Barcelona as well as programs focused on past and present Jewish life, and helps plan events with authentic Jewish content for visitors from all over the world and for locals.

Urban Cultours project adds to initiatives that enrichen our culture and tradition,
contributing to the continuity, development and promotion of Jewish identity.


Gather your congregation, a group of friends or family.
Schedule a session and ...
ENJOY a live conversation with me!

Following topics are available.
You can also make a suggestion.

*) Jewish Barcelona in the Middle Ages

*) A promised land?! Jewish contributions to 20c Spain

*) The soul of heritage: ancient Jewish cemetery in Barcelona

On-line presentations include photos, maps and documents.

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