Algunes paraules dels nostres amics ...
It was great and so meaningful to be with you!
Your passion is certainly palpable and I am grateful that you are not only preserving memories but building a future.
Rabbi Sigma Coran - Rockdale Temple, Cincinnati, OH
Thank you for our time together.
It is clear that you are a fierce advocate for what you believe in and the work you are doing to help promote the acknowledgement of the history of Jewish life in Barcelona is significant. I wish you continued good health and energy to pursue these efforts!
Amy B., Beachwood, OH
Thank you for the lovely tour. Our students group had a special experience joining your community for shabbat.
We loved Barcelona and the service. FZY Central Shlicha,
The Jewish Agency for Israel
Me encantó el paseo y todas tus explicaciones en relación a una cultura que me era muy lejana y un tanto misteriosa. Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos, tu cultura y por mostrarnos un nuevo punto de vista de nuestra propia ciudad. ¡Fue una experiencia preciosa y muy enriquecedora! Queta X., Barcelona
Thank you for the lovely tour. We both admire your persistence and thorough/intelligent efforts to keep the history of the Jews of Barcelona correct, meaningful and reliable. Sharon & Larry F., Raanana, Israel
Barcelona's Jewish history must be told
over and over to keep it alive. It is fascinating to see that in
this year 1997, in the same city, a new and young synagogue is inaugurated
and the ruins of what was the first one from the XI century are
discovered. Dominique, keep up with
this mitzvah!
Rabbi Goldmark - Temple Beth Ohr, Los Angeles
Ta présentation était excellente, un survol
complet et ouvert sur la présence des juifs dans l'histoire de Barcelone.
Tu as trouvé la juste mesure entre l'historique et l'actuelle. Une
vraie professionnelle!
Isabel Meinecke, Paris
We spent a wonderful half-day and your
expert guidance brought the history of Barcelona's Jewish community
to life. You gave us great insight into our people's past in that
enchanting city, as well as an understanding of current Jewish life
and a glimpse into the future. With your assistance, we saw things
that we would not have viewed on our own. You are a real gem!
Rabbi Stephen J. Einstein - Congregation
B'ni Tzedek, Fountain Valley
On behalf of WUPJ's European Region, I
would like to express my warmest thanks for all the assistance you
provided before and during our 2002 Conference making this a truly
memorable event ...
Leo Hepner - World Union for Progressive
Judaism, London
The walk was wonderful, giving everyone
a sense of Jewish life and how much was truly destroyed after the
expulsion. We were so happy to be able to attend service at ATID
and to share in the workshop at the Parliament of the World Religions.I
can't begin to thank you for all your help in making our trip to
Barcelona such a success.
Donna M. Rosenthal, Executive Vice Chairman.
CLAL - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, New
Je souhaite
à nouveau te remercier pour ta gentillesse et ton dévouement.
On a tous particulièrement apprécié tes talents
et ton enthousiasme pour nous faire découvrir cette belle
ville de Barcelone.
Bernard Dreymann - Centre Tabenkin, Paris
I heard from my clients at their return:
"Her insights, enthusiasm, sincerity, and knowledge of Judaism
are unique." They raved about how wonderful you were and,
as you said, how terrific Barcelona is. Thank you for a great job!
Joel Zack - Heritage Tours, New York
Quiero agradecerte una vez más por
tu aporte profesional y afectivo al Jewish Jewels of Spain.
Hemos experimentado Barcelona y una región de la España
judía de una manera única y memorable. Tu esfuerzo
rodujo que las actividades planeadas con mucha anticipación
fueran un éxito total.
Santiago Nemirovsky, Vancouver
Thanks to you I can offer my clients and
members of our Jewish Community in the West Coast, a real experience:
to know the Jewish roots in Spain from the hand of a Jewish person.
Thanks also to Atid for their warm welcoming as part of the Community.
Vivianne Schael - Tudela Tours, Los Angeles
We have been on several tours and we have
had many guides, but you are very special!
Thank you so very much for your good cheer and inspiration during
our all -too-brief visit to wonderful Barcelona!
Myrna and Ed Wolfish, Toronto
We learned a lot about the Jewish history
of Barcelona and Spain with you. We also had the opportunity to
know the local community from within, and the great efforts it dedicates
to recreate itself.
Quite a transcendental mission!
Eva and Andrew Adler, Toronto
We greatly enjoyed meeting you and appreciated
your presentation, but more importantly your personal history and
your passion to bring Jewish history back to Barcelona was most
moving and inspirational.
Stephanie & Stanton Felzer, Elkins
El I Congrés
per a l'estudi dels jueus en territori de llengua catalana es
va dur a terme amb molt d'èxit. Li trametem aquestes breus
línies per agrair-li a vostè i a la instituició
que representa la col·laboració que ens han donat.
Per altre banda esperem comptar amb el seu suport per a pròximes
edicions del congrés.
Tessa Calders - Universitat de Barcelona
Els nois i noies els hi va agradar més
aquesta visita al Call i les teves explicacions que la visita al
Barri Gòtic i la Ribera que vàrem fer a continuació.
La raó va ser que de l'altre sabien algunes coses, però
que d'aquest tema n'havien sentit a parlar fins aquest any amb mi
i després amb tu.
La Dominique, una dona jueva i arquitecte, coneixedora de varies
llengües, va fer tota l’explicació en un català
molt correcte. La introducció sobre els seus orígens
jueus, la seva vida i com havia decidit quedar-se a viure a Barcelona
va ser molt apassionant i em va fer reflexionar. Em va sorprendre
que fos jueva, no m’ho hagués imaginat mai que fos
jueva, no n’havia vist cap. Els jueus són persones
normals. Núria Guasch - Escola Arco Iris,
Va ser molt interessant fer aquesta visita
el dia Europeu de la Cultura Jueva i poder conèixer en veu
d'un expert alguna cosa més de la història d'aquests
carrers i la seves gents de la meva ciutat. Carrers on l'empremta
del passat es sobreposa i dilueix, esborrant intencionadament una
part dels seus habitants.
Només agrair-te la teva sensibilitat, el teu temps i el teu
interès en posar al lloc que pertoca la historia d'una comunitat
que si no eren gaires, si que van ser molt importants a la seva
època i també per nosaltres al cap de vall, els seus
hereus. Aurora Font, Barcelona
Només unes ratlles per donar-te
les gràcies per les teves explicacions i aconseguir fer-nos
interessant una epoca i una cultura de la que queden pocs vestigis
i que es prou desconeguda dels propis habitants de Barcelona.
Xavier Molinas, Catalunya
Ce que vous faites est merveilleux. Faire
revivre aujourd'hui plus de cinq siècles après l'expulsion,
une vie juive dans la péninsule ibérique est une formidable
mitzwah ...
André Nahum, Paris
Thank you
for the wonderful time and your assistance with organizing and attending
Reid's Bar Mitzvah. You were a welcome friend and greeted us with
such warmth and charm that you felt like a family member.
Thank you again for wonderful memories!
Cindy Graymare, Pittsburgh
We had a wonderful tour of Gerona and especially
the ancient mikvah in Besalu. Hearing your story was a highlight
of our trip. Thanks again for a most interesting and meaningful
tour. Nechama and Yaakov Motzen, Montreal
It was such a pleasure meeting you and
sharing the wonderful informative day. You are a delight and the
Jewish community is blessed to have you as one of its leaders.
We feel as though we made two new friends: you and Atid.
Susan and Felix Kolb, Los Angeles
Thank you so much for the outstanding tour,
we found it to be a highlight of our trip to Spain.
Your knowledge was only surpassed by your obvious passion for keeping
the memory of Jewish Spain alive. You are a true professional.
Yasher koach!
Steve Raucher, Maryland
We want to express our appreciation for
your splendid explanation of Jewish Barcelona. We can honestly say
that you made the difference, having been to all the places five
years ago without your guidance.
Harriet & Ralph Halpern, Rochester
We all learned so much, specially our grandchild -whom you gave a prominent place in our discussions- and made it one of his favorite activities of the trip. You renewed our sense of pride in our heritage, and provided much food for thought about the importance of preserving our culture.
Phyllis & Ed Gabovitch, Indanapolis
Andrew and
I just arrived home and wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed meeting
you and learning from you as well. You should know that you are
doing something wonderful for the future of the Jewish community
in Barcelona ...Dan Romanow, Brookline
I had such a wonderful Rosh Hashanah with
Atid, who is so welcoming of visitors. Of particular interest is
the orientation tour of the Jewish Quarter in Barcelona, offered
by Dominique, a lovely woman who lives here. Her tours are a great
source of inspiration and should be in everybody's Spanish itinerary.
Linda Freedman, USA
Has hecho un trabajo estupendo al darnos
el sabor de la vida judía anterior al siglo XV. Esperamos
vivir para ver la plena aceptación de los judíos y
el judaísmo, y la recuperación de la grandeza de aquella
comunidad en el medioevo.
Marylin and Norman, Brasil
Our walk with you was an absolute delight,
we very much appreciated the things that you showed us. It was without
question the highlight of our almost three weeks in Spain. May we
all live to see the acceptance of Jews and Judaism, and the grandure
of the former Jewish community restored.
Michael and Daniela, Jerusalem
We have no words to thank for your enthusiasm
and dedication in sharing this experience with us. All in the group
think you are a wonderful teacher and a beautiful human being. Everyone
on our tour remembers very fondly the wonderful time that we had
with you in Barcelona. Meeting you has been one of the highlights
of our trip.
Shula and Paul Laderman, Jerusalem